For his whole life, His Holiness Dalai Lam is dedicating his energy, efforts and heart for not just freedoms to his own people but the whole humnity. His philosophy of human value is very much appreciated and respected worldwide. He was invited to give plenty of speeches to all ranges of people, students, leaders, journalists, politicians, policy makers, professors, researchers and so on so forth.
All the time, His Holiness Dalai Lama always inserts his only best philosophy, the wisdom of forgiveness. Confronting many millions of audiences around the world from the West to the East and from the North to the South, Dalai Lama is promoting one very priority message which is 'forgiveness or to increase the feeling of trusthworthiness' among people.
Why the Dalai Lama is so focusing on this message. It is because he sees that the world is lacking this warmness. The world is lacking happiness. The world is lacking the culture of forgiveness. Without all of these core values, the world is fighting, hate, revenge, forcing, threatening, and corrupting against each other.
Look at what has been happening right now in the Middle East. Without forgiveness and trustworthiness, people is fighting, killing and executing each other without reasons. They see each other as not brother and sister or human being at all. They see each other as low as simple as a property or object. They see no value at all in human. They see only their groups as human, civilized and not the rest.
What happens if they have just a little bit of value or forgiveness? The situation would happens very contrast to what is happening now. They would have looked at each other as human being. They would respect each other. They would give value of life, dignity, freedoms, and respect more than anything else.

For him, it is not important if how much we can possess. It is not important how strong, big we are. As long as we can bring benefit to the society, as long we can bring peacefulness to society, as long as we can create a joyful, stable, harmonious, society, that's the purpose of life. That's the meaning of living a good life.
Also, as long as we have are spreading the culture of forgiveness to one society to another, from one culture to another and from one generation to another, our lives is meaning something.
Therefore, this article is very important message for all readers around the world. Please keep in mind that we should start to practice the culture of forgiveness from now on. And don't forget to share it with your love one, your society, your friends, family and the rest community. When you can make them forgived, your live in the society will be easy, safe and peaceful, too.